Full Moon in Leo: Soul Shine
This Full Moon in Leo, reflect on what stops you from shining fully. Unapologetically. If you’re anything like me, there are parts of yourself that you more readily illuminate and conditions you require to let more shadowy parts show.
Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun and is fierce, creative, and about personal expression. When the Moon is Full in Leo, the Sun is in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus, the planet of freedom and disruption, and is eccentric, innovative, and an idealist concerned with the collective. This full moon occurs days after Pluto, the planet of power and transformation enters the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius. It is also square to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, expansion, and magnification which is in the stabilizing, resourceful, persevering sign of Taurus.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Full Moon in Leo always comes in the dead of winter, when the Sun is in Aquarius, directly its opposite. In the summer, Leo’s ferocity and self-expression can be so blatantly apparent that we forget all that it overcomes to be in its full embodiment. Leo can also be self-conscious and like many of us, barter to feel worthy of expression.
When Leo is balanced, it creates for the sake of creation. It knows creation is the sacred seed from which all of us are connected. It is the portal to aliveness from which all possibilities bloom.
The Full Moon in Leo reminds us that our creativity is just as beautiful and worthy behind the density of relentless winter gray. That even when no one else can see it, we still get to bask in the glory of our own light.
The Moon reminds me of my phases. It’s not always visible. Sometimes it’s a subtle wave in the daylight sky, showing us the simultaneity of time, despite the ways we slice up frames of our experience. Even when only the slightest sliver shows, it’s still full unto itself.
Sitting directly across from Pluto, freshly in Aquarius, this Full Moon helps us peel back the disguises we put on to hide ourselves. Make ourselves more palatable. More deserving of applause. It magnifies where we narrow possibilities and shrink ourselves for tokens of approval. It calls us back to the root of our desires. Not desires that are fleeting, external, or contrived but the root of desire that is dignified and true.
It’s okay to want to be celebrated - it only becomes a problem when we’re all fighting for the lead role in someone else’s play. With the square to Jupiter, this Moon reminds me that when we center ourselves, as ourselves, for ourselves, we can be the audience, the muse, and the stage. When we learn to celebrate ourselves for all of our parts, roles and phases, we become more able to celebrate one another - even in our shadows. Our leadership becomes a catalyst for others to lead and we create spaces where we can be in the light of our expression without dimming the light of anyone else.
This Moon reminds us that when we stop outsourcing love and attention, we become the light by which our own essence is illuminated. If we all shined like that, imagine what we could create together.