Horoscope & Affirmations for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Affirmations for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra by Sign

Aries Sun & Rising: My individuality is a portal to connection, with myself, with others & world around me. The more I commit to my authenticity, the more I access self-connection & release fear that relationships will stifle my growth.

Taurus Sun & Rising: I prioritize daily habits that feel regenerative & work that is reciprocal & fair. The more I live in the flow of what feels balanced, the better able I am to release fears of loneliness & rejection.

Gemini Sun & Rising: Making time for play & creativity is essential for feeling connection. The more I center fun & pleasure in my relationships, the more I release fear that I won’t find an aligned community.

Cancer Sun & Rising: I trust my closest relationships support my growth & individuation. When I’m confident in who I am, I outgrow the belief that I need to sacrifice relationships to be successful in my career.

Leo Sun & Rising: When I validate the worthiness of my contributions, I ignite creative thinking. The more I embrace that there are multiple right answers, I release the fear that my authentic expression will alienate me from my friendships.

Virgo Sun & Rising: My relationships are an invaluable resource & that resource begins with me. I release fear that I’m not valued and claim the talents and assets I bring to my collaborations.

Libra Sun & Rising: Feeling depleted in relationships is a sign that I need more self-love & self-acceptance. When I take the time to know myself in all of my uniqueness, I release fear of expressing myself when my opinions are different.

Scorpio Sun & Rising: The rhythm of my life is driven by my passion. When I get curious about the passion driving the people closest to me, I release fear that relationships will get stuck in disagreement.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising: My creativity is a portal to self-understanding. When center the importance of my creative passions, I release the fear that it will be interpreted as frivolous.

Capricorn Sun & Rising: My wildest contributions add tremendous value at work, at home, & in my relationships. I release the fear that my value in relationships depends on my compliance.

Aquarius Sun & Rising: I embrace the difference & disagreement that expands human perception. My relationships thrive when I transform my desire to be correct into curiosity about why other people see things differently.

Pisces Sun & Rising: When I give my gifts freely, I do so from a place of integrity. When I release fear around valuing my services appropriately, my relationships thrive & I attract more opportunities for collaboration.

The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra occurs on March 25th at 3:00 AM EST.

During eclipse season, the light is disrupted, exposing areas of life that are not in alignment with the true Self and your spiritual calling.

Planets at the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

On a physical level, eclipses happen when the Sun, Moon, and Earth come into alignment near the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are points in space where the Moon's orbital path around the Earth intersects with the ecliptic, which is the path that the Sun traces in the sky from the perspective of Earth. The North Node represents an increase – where we are going, where we are hungry, and where we are collecting experience that is important to our growth. South Node represents a decrease – qualities that we’re shedding, outgrowing, and what we need to move away from in order to grow. It’s between these polarities that we find balance by integrating the light and shadow elements of each side, increasing access to our strengths and amplifying the wisdom of our challenges.

The eclipse on March 25th is a penumbral eclipse because the Moon isn’t directly lined up with the lunar nodes resulting in the Earth casting a partial shadow on the Moon, making it only slightly darker than usual. As a South Node eclipse, this astrology is about releasing disempowering interpersonal dynamics that are draining and taking away from you following your passion.

Relationships are healthy and balanced only when two people can express themselves authentically. If you suppress a part of yourself to “keep the peace” or be “likable,” you will inevitably (even if it’s unconscious) expect others to do the same. Alternatively, if you have a strong aversion to interpersonal dynamics that challenge your individuality and freedom, you likely don’t realize the ways you benefit from other people accommodating you, or the perspective you could gain from being more inclusive of differing opinions.

Our behavior is rooted in beliefs, so whichever behavior we’re exhibiting there is an underlying belief. In these cases, one belief would be that we’re safer or more successful when we suppress parts of ourselves to uphold societal standards of “civility” or “appropriateness” or access “power”. The alternative belief would be that we’re safer or more successful when we’re focused on ourselves, meeting our own needs, and don’t rely on other people.

Because Libra is associated with justice and the law, you might even be noticing or rubbing up against larger systems of power and injustice that feed into these dynamics. You  might realize you have a fear that if you don’t conform you’ll be “in trouble.” Sometimes that can feel baffling! As an adult, we know we won’t be in trouble for being ourselves the majority of the time, yet many of us still hold that feeling deep down. Whether it’s from society or the biological reality that, from the time we’re babies, we’re receiving data from our experiences about what behavior makes us receive love and what behavior leaves us feeling abandoned or rejected. Notice what comes up for you when you reflect on feelings of acceptance, from others and even your acceptance for yourself. 

Whatever comes up, know that eclipses are not times to “fix” or make big changes but rather to observe and take note of the lessons that arise to show you where you can live into your truth and access greater alignment. Eclipses show us the keys to rapid transformation, so if there’s been something you've been suppressing for a while, eclipses might lead to a big change and break into a pattern or situation that has long been outdated.

Ultimately, balancing individuality and relationships creates healthy interdependence in which the collaboration can accommodate individuality and difference. Mutual reliance and reciprocation don’t come at the expense of authenticity. We need both solitude and connection. Balance is an active exercise that requires a strong sense of self, clarity about what you need and desire, and an understanding of your limits and the flexibility you can offer.

If you’re in a nodal opposition, which means your natal North Node is in Libra, these dynamics would still be at play and likely heightened. For Libra North Node people, relationships are very important to your soul purpose and calling in this lifetime and what pulls us also represents a growth edge. That means it’s even more important for you to notice when relational dynamics feel unbalanced and when you’re sacrificing yourself for a relationship. This eclipse is likely pushing for you to speak up at the risk of creating conflict to learn that it’s possible to have conflict and disagree while still maintaining the relationship. These themes will also be pronounced for those with Libra North Node, Sun, Moon, or Rising

For Aries North Node people, you are in your nodal return. Your calling in this lifetime is about developing independence and expressing your individuality and this eclipse will likely expose where you need to accept that just because people have a different point of view, doesn’t mean they’re wrong. You will likely be shown how relating through difference is important to your growth, even though it’s easier for you to have hard boundaries and cut off the connections that are getting in the way of your desires. These eclipses will challenge you to embrace your freedom and the freedom of others while also maintaining relationships by integrating the fear that every disagreement is an effort to change you and limit your potential. This eclipse can help you to see what needs to change to transform either/or thinking and the belief that everything is a competition with a winner and a loser. If you have your Sun, Rising, or Moon in Aries, these themes might show up with greater intensity for you too.


Transformative Balance & the Libra-Aries Dragon Portal


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