New Moon in Pisces: Dreaming the World into Being
Our dreams shape us. They reflect the meaning we make and the quality of our beliefs.
Dreams are the invisible rivers that birth culture and civilization. Dreams initiate us as world-builders, change makers.
The New Moon on Sunday, March 10th exacts at 5:00 am when the Sun and Moon come together at 20 degrees of the spiritual and imaginative sign of Pisces. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac representing the spirit realm and our collective unconscious where we are all one. Pisces is the ocean, the vast unknown in which anything is possible and everything is connected.
Nestled between Saturn at 11 degrees Pisces and Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces, our creative life force and conscious mind (the Sun) and our emotional being and unconscious (the Moon) meet the structure and maturity (Saturn) of our vision (Neptune).
We are in a moment of intense unraveling. The consequences of centuries of domination and oppression have become glaring with constant exposure to information, perspectives and opinions in the age of social media. For those of us daring to dream a way out of our collective shackles, the square between Mars, the principle of war, action, and activism in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius and Uranus, the principle of chaos and transformation in the fertile earth sign of Taurus is emboldening our visions for new ways of relating and being.
But some of us still dream of the individualist illusion. The dream that manufactured belief in some idyllic state of peace where comfort and connection are found through white picket fences, swimming pools, cars and eight bedroom houses. This is the aloof, manipulative side of Aquarius and the over indulgent side of Taurus. Even those of us who have untangled from these compulsions, most of us raised in the United States need to consistently pry out the remnants of this indoctrination that breeds fantasies of undisrupted luxury and comfort.
The Sun and Moon also make a supportive sextile to Uranus, daring us to dream of disruption. Uranus sits with Jupiter, the principle of philosophy and expansion in the fertile, steadfast sign of Taurus which also makes a sextile to Saturn in Pisces, helping us to anchor our vision for new spiritual traditions and generate expansive ideas about the structures that could unify us while honoring the earth as the sacred source of what sustains us. Because the Moon represents our body and the Sun our life force, we are being called to embody what this would mean and how it would transform us.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Mercury, the principle of communication, moved from the spiritual, dreamy sign of Pisces into Aries, the energetic fire sign that is the archetype of independence. It is here in Aries that the North Node, the eclipse point representing karmic imbalance, has been sitting with Chiron, the wounded healer, an asteroid showing us where our greatest vulnerabilities can become our greatest strength. Chiron was in Aries when the declaration papers were signed initiating the United States as a sovereign nation. A sovereign nation built on stolen land and stolen labor. Chiron conjunct the North Node in Aries shows us what happens when Aries independence is unchecked by Libra cooperation – the sign on the opposite side of the axis. As Pluto also returns to the United State’s natal position in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we are in the midst of a major evolutionary shift.
Balance is so hard to achieve because often both sides refuse to see the incompleteness of their vision. Independence alone has no resources and accomplishes nothing. Cooperation without individuals bringing their unique ideas and leadership to the table is also useless. Similarly, dreams that are unchecked by reality will only have us chasing destinations and keep us ignorant to the adventures and lessons in the journey. It's not enough to dream – we must choose to live it even when it pains us.
As a people, we’ve gotten so far from the sense of struggle that enlivens us. Strength, too often, is built for the aesthetic or convenience – not to experience life more fully and enable greater courage. The instant gratification of a globalized world in which we can order whatever we want in any shape, flavor, and color with a click of a button has made us weak with glutton. In my experience, it takes almost constant reminding to resist the urge to merge with the dreamstate that has been manufactured to control us.
Soon, the Sun will move into Aries (on March 19) followed by a lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25, a total solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, and a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on April 20. These astrological events continue to catalyze our unraveling from the old paradigm of domination, rugged individualism, and exploitation so we can move into the love and interconnection that is beaconing us with Pluto’s once-in-a-lifetime transit through Aquarius from now until 2043.
Ricky Bobby, an activist with Appalachians Against Pipelines recently spent nearly two days suspended inside the Mountain Valley Pipeline as an act of nonviolent direct action against the fracked gas it delivers, the upheaval of ancestral lands and ecosystems in its path from West Virginia to Virginia, and the communities that will suffer from the toxic fuel the companies falsely claim that people need. Ricky said, “remember to be creative and unrelenting in your love for things.” They wrote of the beauty and the intensity, the sounds of the earth and birds that echoed and the panic-inducing pounding of police and workers trying to get them out.
Ricky said, “Many times in my life I have felt consumed by grief - grief for all the places this pipeline has destroyed, for communities who continue to be ravaged by the state and industry, for the senseless violence committed against people and land every day, for friends and strangers forced into cages. But what keeps me moving is knowing that I feel such grief only because I have such deep hope and love for what could be, and what we have the power to create. Find or facilitate radical community wherever you call home. Think about the things you are willing to sacrifice for the people near and far. Dream of worlds that feel out of reach, because I bet they aren’t as far away as it might seem.”
May we all dare to dream of a liberated state, where we return to connection to land as ancestor, water as living, and all creatures as kin. May our dreams make the impossible possible, like the dreams of our ancestors have so many times before.