The Containers We Shape

Full Moon in Capricorn

July 21, 2024

6:17 am

The cosmos are undergoing massive transformation. Can you feel it? 

The Moon is full at 29 degrees Capricorn – the critical degree, the crisis point, the culmination while the Sun sits at 29 degrees Cancer, illuminating her fully, exactly her opposite.

We’ve been taken on a journey through Capricorn, starting with the Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn, the day after the Solstice when the Sun entered Cancer.

I called that moon “Tending the Cauldron within.” It was about connecting to what ignites your life force energy by following the wisdom of your body, emotions, & intuitions – all things the Moon and her home sign Cancer represent. But here the Cancer Sun is illuminating Luna in Capricorn’s domain of structure, time, politics, and authority, reminding us of the importance of resourcing ourselves with the containers, routines, and boundaries that allow us to be in the flow of our deepest wisdom.

This Full Moon, the Sun is at 29 degrees, exactly trine Neptune – the planet of dreams, spirituality, and illusions – who has spent more time at 29 degrees Pisces than it has in over 4,000 years. 

Meanwhile, the Moon is at 29 degrees Capricorn, less than 2 degrees away from Pluto who will soon retrograde back into 29 degrees Capricorn for the last time in our lives from September 1 - November 19. This Full Moon prepares us for Pluto’s laser-like incision into the final degrees of Capricorn, showing us where we must untangle from the oppressive structures we’ve let infiltrate into our cells. 

How you shape your container now directly correlates with the frequency you will resonate with into the future. Like the sound created by banging a vessel is based on the vessel’s shape, size, what it’s made of, and what it contains – your reality is shaped by the container of your life. Your beliefs, actions, standards, titles, and infrastructure that supports you. 

If that’s not enough for you, earlier this week on Monday Mars the planet of agency and will power conjoined with Uranus the planet of breakdown and breakthrough for the last time in our lives in Taurus at 25 degrees. Uranus’ transit in Taurus has been about the relationship crisis with our bodies, the earth body, and all that sustains us. Approaching a trine to this Moon, Uranus is also nearing its trine with Pluto –  the planet of power, death, and rebirth. These slow moving planets will dance together in air signs in the orb of influence of a trine until well into 2029.

This is the beginning of the end of the outer planets’ domain in the yin or feminine elements – Earth and Water. The edge dwellers will soon move into the masculine yang domain of Air and Fire. 

Pluto is leading the way to transformation, already in the eccentric air sign Aquarius. Next year, on July 8, Uranus will join Pluto in air, bringing breakthroughs to the mental sign of Gemini, and on March 31, Neptune, the dreamer, enters the pioneering fires of Aries halfway between them, forming a double sextile. The double sextile doesn’t exact until July 6, 2026, and by the time it does, I hope each of us has used this momentum to energize positive transformation that starts deep within. 

Especially because, months before the double sextile, from February 14-23, 2026, Saturn meets Neptune at the creation point, 00 degrees Aries, for the first time since 1742 BCE. This signature symbolizes a civilizational turning point – seeding Neptune’s dreams and vision into Saturn’s form and structure.

How (regardless of your gender will you anchor your feminine capacity to go dark, transform, get slow, go within, and make space for whatever arises? Regeneration is the only way through the crucible to come with the Air Fire triangle. 

This is a Full Moon to call back in any power you’ve given away. To own your time and spend it in ways that make the realm of your inner and outer being sanctuaries of regeneration. True security comes from trust in yourself, earned over time as a result of steadfastness, even in times you want to abandon yourself most.

The future is being seeded. The container of your being is yours to shape – so shape it wisely.


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