Full Moon in Aquarius: Shine on Purpose

Full Moon in Aquarius

August 19, 2024

Exacts 2:25 pm

Illuminated by the Leo Sun, this Full Moon in Aquarius is about seeing through the eyes of the heart. 

Tightly conjunct the largest asteroid, Vesta, keeper of the sacred flame, this moon urges you to fulfill your purpose by bridging your personal power and your vision, unleashing the power of your devotion. 

It is time to own a vision for your life that is bigger than your despair. A vision that’s aligned with your values, intentions, and emotions. 

The Leo-Aquarius axis shows us the vital relationship between air and fire. Creativity and passion fueled by fresh perspective. By connection. By the freedom to experiment and explore. 

It shows us the power of the lens through which we see the world. 

And with Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini, you’ll see that when your lens is clear enough and wide enough to connect with all the information that’s available to you, the container of your life expands. You gain access to the transformative potential of triggers and tension. You take the mic back from the self-limiting voices in your head. You write that plot twist, daring to claim the reality you’ve always imagined. 

In a square to Saturn, planet of structure, authority, and the reality-check, any attempts to bypass the tension will not only be futile, but wasted. Together, Saturn and Jupiter squares show us the juice is in the tension. And this is the first square since that world-changing Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius in 2020 that sent shockwaves through the Capricornian systems of power and control. That marked the end of a 200-year cycle of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in earth signs and initiated us into a new cycle of air. This move from the tangible to the invisible requires a mental shift. It requires that we relinquish the sense of security that comes with predictability of the material and lean into the possibility for breakthroughs that can occur beyond our conscious understanding. With Saturn in the watery realms of Pisces, dissolving reality and reminding us the ways our fates are intertwined, this square to Jupiter in the airy, mutable territory of Gemini is casting a fog that we must learn to use in our favor. We must learn to attune to the wisdom of the nonphysical senses and learn to come into resonance with the joy and all that we came here to experience and create. 

We don’t need astrology to tell us that the world is at a crisis point, but it certainly does. But the ending isn’t written in the stars. The crisis has been building for decades, centuries, even millenia. The only way out is through, and the only way through is riding the back of Chaos like the pre-patriarchal serpent goddess that she is.

Chaos is not our enemy. Chaos is what birthed us about 4.6 billion years ago when the death of a star unfurled a spinning cloud of gas and dust which, under unimaginable pressure, began forming the elements from which our solar system is made. The core celestial most connected to chaos is Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius. Moving through the final degrees of fecundity, Uranus is transforming our relationship to our bodies and the earth body. Over the last 6 years in the stubborn earth sign Taurus, Uranus has shown us that our disconnection with the vessels that sustain us only lead to breakdown. Now, Uranus is in a T-square with the Sun and Moon - exactly 90 degrees between the two - begging the question, will we finally break through? 

Directly opposing Uranus is the asteroid Ceto, named after the pre-patriarchal goddess who was the mother of monsters and daughter to Gaia and Pontus, the literal Earth and Sea. An opposition between Uranus and Ceto occurs seldomly, but once it does it occurs multiple times in a row due to their retrograde cycles. The last time this happened was the late 1800s when President James Garfield was assassinated for his liberal politics and efforts to combat corruption and slavery. Over in Ireland at that time, farmers protested a powerful English Land Agent, Charles Cunningham Boycott, withdrawing their labor until they were treated fairly, thus coining the term ‘boycott.’ Meanwhile, Russian pogroms spread like a mass movement, destroying Jewish property, killing many, and pushing many out of the country with many believing the pogroms were started by the government itself. 

Maybe a mother of monsters is exactly what is needed when a culture of domination led by the monstrous elite is threatening the earth and the seas themselves. The very beings that sustain us, contain us, and provide for us all we’ve ever known. Considering the whale rebellions on the rise, maybe what we tend to think of as monstrous beasts were once gentle creatures that were forced to channel their strength for their own protection. 

What’s more, this Full Moon is happening at 27 degrees Aquarius, the same degree of the USA Moon in the Sibley Chart, which is the most widely used chart for the US. We haven’t had a Full Moon in Aquarius in over 100 years. The Leo Sun is at the top of a Yod pattern which looks like a tall triangle. The top point is called the finger of God and at the base of the triangle is a sextile between Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius and Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces. The Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius at the midpoint of the Yod, emphasizing the creative potential of this energy if only we choose to work with it. In a Yod, the key is to withstand the tension long enough to receive the wisdom it is communicating. With Neptune in Pluto, it’s about honing our power and directing it consciously towards that big vision of our purpose, remembering that our purpose isn’t disconnected from the world around us. Our vision must be bigger than ourselves. It must be a vision for a world in which fulfilling our purpose is possible. And, it must be a vision we’re willing to work for. Sextiles can be powerful, but only if we put our energy and intention into them. When configured in a Yod, combined with the Grand Cross between the Sun, Moon, Uranus, and Ceto, this energy can be reality-shifting. 

The question is, can we expand our vision? And will we dare to hold it with devotion? 

Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.

The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling – their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability.

Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them.

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
— Arundhati Roy

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