New Moon in Virgo: Sacred Reclamation

New Moons are a time for introspection. To get quiet and receive the subtle messages of our body and heart guiding us towards re-alignment with our soul purpose. This is especially important during Virgo season which is all about being whole within ourselves. 

When I think about wholeness, I often think about integrity, which is defined as morality or devotion to the truth. The root word of integrity is integer meaning whole or complete. Therefore, to be in integrity, we must be whole within ourselves. And to be whole we must be open to all of our parts, even the ones we are taught to reject. 

As we initiate this new lunar cycle, I want you to reflect on parts of yourself that have been lost, separated, or exiled. I want you to reflect on the feelings, beliefs, and perspectives you struggle to publicly own or even admit to yourself.

At one point or another, we all compartmentalize parts of ourselves to conform to external definitions of success, stability, and excellence. And in many ways, Virgo has been co-opted to achieve these ends. Exploited as a tool of empire, Virgo’s intellect gets used for perfectionism and control, criticizing self and others in order to be accepted, lovable, and worthy. 

But in her essence, Virgo is a healer. She separates and sorts not out of criticism and rejection, but to extract the essential nutrients we need from the residue that would dilute or block us from receiving the nourishment. She knows how to find the opportunity in the challenge and the antidote in the poison. She knows her abnormalities are not flaws but her wisest teachers. And she knows this because she is confident in her abilities and has unwavering faith in herself. Therefore, she moves with patience and intention, knowing she will find what she needs no matter how grave the circumstances. 

This New Moon contains powerful medicine for navigating the groundbreaking changes that lie ahead as all five outer planets change signs in the next 11 months. Right now four of those planets are in retrograde, which means they’re each retrieving an essential lesson that can only be learned by reflecting in hindsight. When we’re able to view the past from a new lens, a new future becomes possible. But to renew our vision, we must first claim the one we already hold.

This is no easy task. We live in a society that thrives off an invisible power, blinding us to our privilege so can’t see past the confines of our comfort. Krishnamurti says “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society,” yet most of us believe our survival depends on just that.

Can you identify where you prioritize the comfort of external approval over your authentic truth? 

If you’re not ready to go there, start by looking at the qualities in yourself that you’re most proud of and why? How do these qualities keep you safe? Do these qualities result in praise, love, and connection? 

Do these qualities guard some aspect of yourself that feels vulnerable or at risk?

How can you turn rejection on its head by seeing how Virgo is alive within you, trying to help you find nourishment, love, and acceptance, albeit at times misguided? To be whole, we must welcome back the parts we’ve exiled. Not with judgment towards ourselves for falling for the empire's trap of conformity and suppression. But with gratitude for the ways even misguided Virgo has tried to support us in finding what’s essential. 

These lessons are occurring in your Pisces, Taurus, and Capricorn houses and are related to your ideals, self-worth, authority, and dreams for the future.

When have you been told directly or indirectly that your dreams are naive? That your needs don’t matter? That you should suck it up? Or fall in line? Or fake it til you make it? 

It’s time to unpack those stories and the false beliefs they’ve planted about you and what is possible for your life. It’s time to rewrite history and claim the future you’ve always wanted.

This New Moon, instead of setting intentions around your desires, I suggest an intention to uncover what blocks you from living in your wholeness. I suggest Sacred Reclamation. 

Mantras for the New Moon in Virgo:

I welcome back all parts of myself that I’ve rejected.

I am open to the gifts of my hardest memories.

Within every challenge, I receive the blessing. 

I contain the medicine I need to heal any ailment. 


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